1. Business Unit Administration
2. Select SunSystemsData
3. Explode All
4. Select SunSystemsData (Group Type=Live)
5. Create
6. Business Unit Code: AAA
7. Ok
8. Does not exist; do you wish to craete?
9. Yes
10. Business Unit Description: Adventist Church Conference Test
11. Value 1: Base Currency Name: Dollars; Base Currency:USD1
12. Value 2: Default
13. Value 4: Default for multi currency; For single currency (4th Currency Value Name=Base Currency Name, 4th Currency Code=Base Currency)
14. Ok
15. Cancel
16. Ok
17. Ok
18. Ok
19. Finish
20. Exit
21. Business Unit Administration
22. Select Business Unit; Status=Offline
23. Put Online
24. The following Business (Unit(s) will be put online-AAA : Yes
25. Exit
26. Done
3. Explode All
4. Select SunSystemsData (Group Type=Live)
5. Create
6. Business Unit Code: AAA
7. Ok
8. Does not exist; do you wish to craete?
9. Yes
10. Business Unit Description: Adventist Church Conference Test
11. Value 1: Base Currency Name: Dollars; Base Currency:USD1
12. Value 2: Default
13. Value 4: Default for multi currency; For single currency (4th Currency Value Name=Base Currency Name, 4th Currency Code=Base Currency)
14. Ok
15. Cancel
16. Ok
17. Ok
18. Ok
19. Finish
20. Exit
21. Business Unit Administration
22. Select Business Unit; Status=Offline
23. Put Online
24. The following Business (Unit(s) will be put online-AAA : Yes
25. Exit
26. Done